HI All:

We have a 1974 Winner Cobra (Yellow) 14' long with a 1974 Mercury 650 65 horsepower 3 cylinder 2 carburetor engine (2 stroke). Great little boat -- love it for fishing off of.

Problem is its beginning to show its age. we are getting ready to replace seats and carpet, so thats all good. the hull itself is strong and intact, no problems there, but the fiberglass is dingy -- if I had to call it something, I'd call it oxidized -- looks dusty -- we have tried good washing, followed by wax, doesnt seem to help really -- I'd really like to get it back to looking decent without spending a whole lot of money. Can you guys suggest some products, or techniques to make our boat look good again (we bought it used, and it had not been cared for for a number of years
