I did not go out this weekend. I spent the week in Minnesota in a sleeper on Lake of the Woods (The Walleye Capital of The World!! HA!)... We caught over 100 fish in 3 days with 5 guys, and could have caught more... That sounds great until you realize that the largest one was 15".

The Owner of the sleepers came in the second morning all excited because the guys next to us had caught some decent sized walleye. "They had 4 of them over 14"!

I laughed thinking he was joking, and then realized he was serious. We had an amazing time sleeping out on the ice and great fellowship, but the fish were not what I expected.

Okay... This is a Western Basin Report...

I did talk to three guys that went out yesterday. Struggled all day, so did a few local guides that they talked to.

They where out of Camp Perry and out by the shove 5.7 miles out.

In the late afternoon a few of them had the Walleye turn on and catch on fire! They ended up catching them one right after the other in an evening bite. Guys that where a mile away went home with 2 for the day, and 2 local guides struggled to get on the fish yesterday.

There have been a few "walkers" that did decent this week in shallow water, but then this weekend they couldn't find them.

So it is still spotty. I don't have numbers to give as I wasn't the one fishing, but the few good reports I've gotten have been 5.7-6.2 miles out on the other side of the shove.

This probably won't help anyone since I doubt ANYONE is out today.
