Near a limit drifting Saturday casting with a group's first time on Erie. First fish was 25 inches on a gold weapon, then nothing for awhile. Changed from 3/4 oz to 1/2 oz. , nothing, put a hot orange blade on, WHAM. Then WHAM again. Ok, they want orange today on an 18 count medium crank. Sunday drift bite was really good early moning then slowed up. Some trollers did well and some did ok. We did good with a family crew. Threw back several short eyes, with a 25 incher for the biggest. 40 jets 65 to 85ft. #1 setting on dipseys 40 to 55 and #3 settings 62 to 68ft. Spoons and J7s. Speeds from 1.8 to 2.6 and best was 2.4. Perch fishing was spotty and somewhat slow after the late night storm Friday night. Monday we didn't fish but was on the lake with the Tall Ships for the Battle of Lake Erie. 100's and 100's of boats out there today. As a Navy veteran, I got to see the Navy ways of 200 years ago.