Friday's charter was a bust because of high NE winds. Nobody got out of course. I got the guys out on day 2 of the yearly trek but the not too much happened with the drifting they like to do. After 4 hours of drifting and a handful of fish in the cooler, I talked them into trolling for the first time. Ended up with 26 walleye and the biggest was about 25". Threw a handful back for shorties. Several nice size fish came on dipseys with some old favorites from 20 yr ago. Most of the fish came low in the water column but marked alot of fish high up around 8-10 ft. Coppers and bright colors mostly. Lot of hungry fish out there but they want the speed right now. Today I fished Canadian waters, hit the rocks and shelves looking for some big ones to play with. Found some nice fat ones, just not long enough for the wall yet. The walleye are eating good as they are spitting up baitfish in the cooler for the last few weeks.
This coming Sunday is open for a regular charter, Ohio waters and probably trolling 10-15 miles out. Perch season for me is just around the corner. Some dates available as the bite is and has been pretty good. My neighbors were 8 short of their limit for 5 guys and 4-5 hours on Saturday.