i,ll give you an idea. but i use lite bite slide divers so the no# are alittle different but the basics are the same. here is how i fished my divers on erie last week. the fish were down 50 ft and i wanted to fish above them.

my front outside rod is a 9' rod the diver set on 4.5 out 150 ft my middle rod an 8' rod diver set on 3 out 120 ft my inside back rod 7' set on 1.5 out 90 ft this keeps the lures close to the same depth but keeps your lines apart.

then if you need to let your outside rod out you go to the other side of the back of the boat and start letting it out. you use the reel clicker to slow it down so it dont tangle. when you get out 15 ft past your middle rod you take your rod up and over the other 2. and put it in the rod holder. it should be about out where you want it. then just kick the reel in gear and check to make sure its where you want it. like say my middle reel was out 120 so when i got to 135 with my outside rod i would take it up and over and put it in the holder. at that point it would be real close to 150.

same thing on the middle rod. my back rod was out 90 so when i got to 105 i would take it up and over the back rod and put it in the holder. it would be close to 120.

i hope i have helped you and didnt just confuse you. the very best way to learn this is go out with someone elce or take a charter out one time. its really worth the money.