Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
Check out the new regs I get the feeling a lot of ticked hunters in certain areas this yr.

I work in the forestry and wildlife management business in the private sector. Having traveled throughout the US for the past 17 years this current version of the rules is on par with what other states are doing. Everyone has an opinion on these types of shifts from managing just the quantity of deer to managing for quality deer. I've always held back for a nice buck and filled my freezer with does so it doesn't bother me much. I can however respect that others would have problems with it. The DEC has always struggled with managing the deer herd based on science vs what makes license holders happy...an unenviable task. Younger hunters for the most part have a different mind set than the older generation. They are looking for a different hunting experience I guess. I don't mind some change. We all adapt to it. What concerns me the most is in order for antler restrictions and other changes to work as intended, an under funded and under staffed DEC will have to find effective ways to enforce the new rules.