Tried our luck today, 8-28-08. Got to our spot , started fishing around 9:00 oclock AM. The weather called for two footers or less. Well everything was OK for about two drifts before all hell broke lose. Rain , wind and white caps, need i say more. don`t ask how many walleye we caught please. I get that from my wife each time we go fishing. Where`s the walleye, where`s the walleye, I`m sick of her asking me that. I tell her one of these days,,,, one of these day`s, we`re gonna limit out, she just laugh. Then i tell her , at least we did`nt get skunked. We caught sheep head , gobeys and a few small bass. We were drifting with worm harnesses until the wind and rain blew us off the lake. Any boby catching any walleye? Where are the walleye?