Fished saturday for 6 hrs off Center Rd. 60 to 70 fow. Two perch, two sheep and one very full walleye. Must have coughed up a dozen emeralds in my cooler. No other takers. Frustrating. Not as frustrating as the arrogant jerk in the white BMW who pinned me in at the corner near Hidden Harbor. This is the third time a resident there has gotten in my face at Sunset in the past years. I can't help that their damn roads are narrow and my boat a little wide. I'm 6'2 275 and these jerks have no qualms about getting in my face... dangerous place to be. People there just seem bent out of shape that they have to share the road with trucks and boat trailers. Somebody is going to take a beating over there eventually. Anyone else have troubles with people over there? Maybe its me?