Fished yesterday solo out of Dunkirk 700-130pm. Water temps were all over the place. Managed to get my first NY Erie limit, 16-21" fish no big ones but I am happy with the nice eaters as well as happy that the future of this fishery looks like it will be great for a few more years at least. Fished 65-80 fow most fish were tight to the bottom, best area was 71 fow temp there was in the 70's on the probe. Had to keep checking the rods as many of the small throwbacks were tagging along for a ride so I probably could have been done earlier. Started out a little bumpy in the morning but then the wind died and the water got almost glass flat. Got fish on blue chatterstick and darker harnesses. DR 67-69 down and dipsey at 1.5 200 feet back. Water temp was 60-72 on the Depth raider probe, there were pockets of warmer water where I got fish and pockets of colder water, this NE wind coming will probably mix things even more.