Hey guys, been a tough season for me so far. Sturgeon 2 weeks ago-3 silvers. Dunkirk last Sunday 6:00-1-one eye(5 color) one silver-fished 70-110' based on last two years, set up for lakers too, and pretty sure too deep. Catt yesterday , 6:00-2, sixties, nothing until noon then got 2 on riggers and spoons. Today out of SBH until the bugs clogged our throats at 9, covered 45-55' and nothing good. One silver and a sheep. Haven't located many until this weekend, great screens this weekend (finally) but not hooking up. Been running everything from 2-9 colors, big boards, inlines, riggers, mono with sticks-into, with, crossing waves-n/s/e/w-fish hawk speeds from 1.4-2.8. Ran every stick, harness and spoon I own. 50' leaders on the cores, riggers up to 100'+ behind the ball and all depths-not just low. Just cant seem to figure it out this year. My toughest yet in the 4 years I have had a boat. Hope you guys are doing better than me. I'd be happy to even catch silvers and sheeps all day at this point to keep some morale up, but cant even pull that off. Tough, tough, tough.