Hi Jeff. Sorry for the late reply but I have had them all. Tie rod, Troll Master with remote, and now I have the 225 verado tied to the 15 hp merc with a stationary rod. I have a module on the big engine so when I'm trolling with the small kicker the power steering works on the big engine to steer. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. With the set up now it runs the battery down pretty fast and I have to start up the big engine to charge the batteries. The Troll master with remote was good but the steering arm extended past the side of the boat and i always had to watch so it wouldn't catch the dock or something else. With the tie rod the problem was that sometimes it would get out of adjustment and depending on the set up you had to lean out over the boar to readjust. If your big engine steers easy when it's not running then I would probably go with the tie rod.