Conversation Between skipper9 and BossHogg

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Jim, I am looking at buying sportcraft in the next couple of years. Possibly as early as this winter. I constantly watch the boat sales portion of this site, but doesn't seem like there are many 27' or 30' hard tops that show up on here. If you hear of any boats coming up for sale that are from solid prior owners shoot me a message. Or if you have any recommendations on who else to ask or where else to look it would be appreciated.

    Aaron Fisher
  2. Skipper9,
    I thought I was reading last year a post that you had put on here where you mentioned about buying Okuma combo's and that you knew a place where you could get a fair deal. I am looking to retool my set-up with 6 new combo's. I am thinking about getting convector Cv-20's and some lightweight 8' rods. Where do you recommend that I get them from. I haven't really found any place on line that has that combo for sale. Also are you running 30# ripcord or what kind of braid do you recommend. the last few years I have been running 20# Berkley big game and it has been working good, but I want to switch to braid. my combo's I am using now are basically my old salmon gear cabelas depthmaster golds with 8'6" medium penn powersticks and I don't think that the line counters are that good or consistant from rod to rod and the combo's are just too heavy weight wise..i am running offshore boards, are they too heavy of a board in your opinion to run on 8' medium or ml rods? Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks Aaron
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