Conversation Between skipper9 and POPEYE

3 Visitor Messages

  1. When are you comming to our neck of the woods . It is on .
  2. Did you fish today
  3. Just a little update fishing is out of site but,I haven't been fishing since last weekend . Wednesday I was sitting there watching TV and I had this pain in my solar plexes that doubled me over a bit . The next thing I knew I was in the EMS ambulance on my way to the hospital . I thought it was the worst case of acid indigestion I ever had . After a few tests I ended up in the cardiac ICU wired for sound . Then more tests ,it was pretty neat watching my heart work on a ultra sound until I had to take a stress test .................This I must say kicked my arse . Then they had me in this room prepping me for "THE SCOPE " now this is interesting they have two places that they insert this thing your wrist or your groin (here I am in my birthday suit in a room full of beautiful nurses and they only want to hold my hand ,something is wrong with that story ) . It was something to see that worm going through my artery to my heart then nothing and I woke up in recovery. It seems as though my heart stopped for a bit and they had to jump start it (I have the marks to remind me ) .
    They found that I have a artery in the back of my heart that is 100% blocked ,the good part is that they can correct it with medication .
    Well, I guess it time to practice what I preach and that is to take time to smell the roses and start enjoying life more . This was a hell of a wake up call one which I am going to heed .

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