Conversation Between fishfry and RUSS

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. I fished Harrison lake but I just started working out at Davis besse for the fuel out , working 10's and 12's long hours
  2. 419 266 9120 new num
  3. No had to move all my **** in storage
  4. What's the good news , ya been out on the ice ?
  5. Went in our 12 ..3hrsget me your phone so i can call when going
  6. Are you in the lake. I'm still off. If you R lookin for a full boat
  7. hey been a while since i logged on..but will start watchin for reports soon...tried to call ya today but couldn't get thru.let me know what your up too i'm off work for now
  8. You still look at this site...time for the river..and the boat will be in soon ..877 9460
  9. So u know jim kass..he was here last night..worked russ davis bike ..or should i say still...been out on water...give me a yell be fore u head out
  10. U get the dock yet....have been calling on radio. U been out ..jigging gettin slower.... 419 377 0562 cell call when u r on water
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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