Conversation Between mgoblue87 and CAPTBRIAN

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Most of the captains are willing to help give us a call we will tell you where we are at and how we are fishing at the time. My # is 614-354-0652. Weight forward has there days but the harness or mayfly rig is more usefull these days when tring to cast. Right now we are working a good school of fish all around D can I was trolling the area bit know of some boats that did well casting over the weekend. I usually start out with a 3/4 oz weight when casting but have been known to go as high as 1 oz and as low as a 1/4. If you dont have them I would get some 3 and 4 oz bottom bouncers as well as some harness. I find it best to just use a half a worm. If the whole worm is used it seems like the trash fish just pick it to pieces. Hope this helps I am sure I left something out feel free to call if you have any questions.
  2. Appreciate your reply, I keep my boat (28' Pursiut CC) at Anchor pointe. Looking to do more casting as I usually fish alone and trying to set up the down riggers and get started by myself is usually a pain in the A. Thanks for your reply
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