Conversation Between RUSS and rsfrail

3 Visitor Messages

  1. have been gettin a few eyes along crane creek..still slow..have been perchin..doing ok ..good days ..last 2 have been slow..going again in moor,,,got to beat heat....eyes have 9
  2. yea, excuse my language- but I said **** the reef complex for the spring jig. Was out last saturday by 7am, got 5 sheep, and 2 white bass. The sheep had me tricked on first hookup, but oh well. Moved 4 times, Locust, south of cone, turtle reef. lots of boats not ONE net down. I did catch a bottom bouncer rig on Locust on 8 FOW. Came with nice harness. Went in at 11am, gased boat up- went down to kelleys area where i know i can catch sheephead also. Meet up with my regulars there and caught some perch. Sunday got 60 on gull shoal in 2 hours. 1 15" fish ohio. Lots of walleye marks but no takers yet. Will be trolling SAt, maybe perch on Friday. Let me know if you want to get on boat. Im at Bass Haven -East Harbor now- Ron
  3. man it dont look good for the fish this week ether,,think i am going to start the perch thing soon
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