Conversation Between skipper9 and wayne johnson

3 Visitor Messages

  1. 614.327.7144
  2. Capt mike, What kind fishfinder and transducer do you have? Have you first mated for any captains? Who taught you to troll? What kind of reels do you use? Why dont you call me i am very friendly. If you want to go fun fishing with me sat. night? I will leave give my first mate the night off. We can go have some fun? I will show you what I am looking at.. We all learn from each other! I learn everyday.. give me a call you can never have to many friends on the water!!!
  3. skipper 9 Just need a little help if you would, being a rookie captain this year, were getting fish, but not the numbers we would like, we are trolling from red and white no.2 to west sister area, 26 to 30 ft. water,
    40 jets 50 back, 30 jets 85 back, yeager bomb has been all they want,
    are my leads to long, or different color stingers, any help would be nice, Thank you, capt. Mike and wayne (dad first mate) speed 1.8 to 2.2 30 ft. sportcraft, with sock out when needed.
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