mid june now is perch as far as rigs I use boards with dips yes dips or jets ill use wire but no lead core down rigger and will even run a flat out as far as 375 to 425 with a 3 way and harness use early in season when the water is cooler then spoons in july on when speed picks up speed around 1.2 to 1.5mph then will pick up speed as much as 2.5 even went 2.8 even got fish at 3.1mph I run a twin screw 29ft with a fly bridge and get the 350 chevy v8 to go at 1.2mph I just run 1screw at a time trolling and as a word of advice lock the other screw into a gear as to stop free spin you can run the trans dry on a seal keep looking grumpy out on 68