I was just wondering if there is a trick to safely release small perch in order to keep only limits of larger fish. I fished out of Ashtabula on Tuesday, and boated 3 limits of nice sized fish, most of them over 11" with a few in the 13+" range. Yesterday, I was back in the same location, but the fish we were catching were much smaller. I hated to keep the small fish, but we had many releases that swam straight down only to pop up 15 or 20 feet away from the boat and become dinner to the waiting seagulls. We tried reeling them up very slowly when we could tell we had a small fish on, and this seemed to help, but when you get doubles of little ones or a double with one good fish and one small fry, they tend to get cranked in rather quickly. I hate to see small fish go to waste and they are a pain to clean. Is there a method of venting these little ones that works, or should we just keep everything that we bring to the boat?