Mr. G, your info was helpful but a little short. Since I am retired and I had just topped off the Holly Lucas and had no better place to go I trailed out a charter to the pro pack on a 030 heading out of Geneva. Around the 42.10 line I found about 30 boats most of them trolling north. Since the wind was out of the north and I don't troll into the wind, I ran ahead of them to the 42.13 line, did a 180 and set up. 45 minutes of silence. Then I heard one captain tell another, "you have to troll east." That said, I started a slow left turn and got my first hit. In the next hour moving along the 42.11 line I pulled 10 fish to the boat. Two got off with only 20' to go, two were throwbacks and the other six totaled 42 lb. SS line back 333' with a black & purple Long A and yellow jacket spoon on a 50 TruTrip back 120' did it. I cannot wait for another calm day. Did I ever tell you guys how much I love boating, especially when it's 25 miles one way? Keep the info coming. It makes life easier for everyone.