Fished with a friend the last 2 Saturdays out of Ashtabula for walleyes until around 1 PM then went out of Fairport for perch limits in the evenings. Fished perch the previous 2 Friday evenings & the last 3 Saturdays. Was able to get 90-120 fish perch limits all days except the first Friday which was my first perch trip of the year, only had 22 fish that evening as I was fishing about a mile East of where the fish were. As is typical with August perch on the Hump, there are many smaller fish. The big ones will be there in about a month. Got a limit of 12 walleyes yesterday using crawler harnesses off of Dipsies & the little boards & 9 fish the previous Sat on crawler harnesses & little boards. The fish were out 20 miles on the 20th & 14 miles yesterday. They are starting to come back in. Many of the fish were very pale and near the bottom in 70-72 FOW.
The perch bite out of Fairport is very good & will only get better off of the Hump until mid-Sept. I have been fishing 39-52 FOW on the drop edge of the Hump. Bigger fish seem to be on the deeper side & move up the drop edge as it gets later in the evening. A secondary pack is gettting fish in shallower water off of the lagoons. It is in the general area where the walleyes are in late June/early July in front of the lagoons.