
Budman has been smacking them latelyy out of Geneva and has given great info on how far out he has been. Sounds like it's about the same as Ashtabula. I fished NNW so was almost North of Geneva. You don't have to go 20 miles to find good fish. Seems to be they are stacked pretty good wherever 74-75 FOW is. The "lines' that folks refer to in the Central Basin are the second numbers on your North GPS location. If I recall correctly we got them pretty good at 14-15 miles out. There isn't much for fish in closer. If you can catch a calm day the ride is easy. Download the iWindsurf App if you don't have it. It's awesome. Good luck and if you want anything else just holler. I have learned a ton from people on this message board. I fish Port Clinton in the spring but the Central Basin is way better in the summer for sure!