Quote Originally Posted by itsbob View Post
I would keep trying your crankbaits.You will become better at it the more you use them.The water temp is really on the warm side now for cranks but many still catching well with cranks anyway.The most productive crank right now are bandits.They have been really out catching everything else.They almost never need to be tuned either.Cranks work best off inline boards using mono.No leader is needed.Always have longest lead on outside board.You can also experiment with a snap sinker 20ft from crank which you put on inside board.Then cover water column with different leads.Read current posts and start with those leads and make some shorter and longer.We caught well so far this year with 70 and 80 leads.Read some recent treads where 25 catching now too.Colors,start with stock colors.Get 2 blue chrome off the bat.Its the best color.Khaki,humble bee,taco salad,black head wonderbread are other good stock color.I B frozen a great custom color.Good luck.
Four limits so far. Speed 2. A solo limit this morning weighing 28#. after donating breakfast to the big swells. Man it was rolling. Three today casting gold Erie deerie on a five count. Then I couldn’t take any more had to get the boat back moving to trolling. 1.5 oz in line wt back 90 double willow blade harnessed outfished everything hands down again. One fish on bandit. Two or three on big spoons and dipsy. Best fish by far off humps south of dump.