Thanks for the info Fishnfun.
We will be back out this Sunday (tomorrow), haven't decided where yet. Either going to be Walnut again or maybe North East, I haven't been out of North East in years.

You are correct, we've seen most of the marks suspended at 40ish fow and been targeting just above that with little results. Although I did drag the downrigger close to the bottom for a while yesterday and couldn't get anything going. We've had the Dipsy's pretty high this year so Sunday I will make sure we let out a little extra line and see what happens.

My boat is only setup to fish with Dipsy's and downriggers. So we won't be able to try the wire and leadcore setups you motioned. But we definitely we try closer to the bottom.

Can I ask how you monitor the speed at the lure? Currently the only way I know what speed we're going is the Lowrance Seattleite navigation. This hasn't been a problem in years past - we're always done well.

Again thanks for sharing info.