IM starting to feel sorry 4 the guys posting and not doing so well.Heres what ive been doing and getting more than my fair share of walleye.the fish have been in 50/60fow mixed with whites sheeps perch and bass.The last 3 weeks ive caught 90% of my fish within 2 ft of bottom.The lures im fishing with willow leaf crawler harnesses renoskies, spoons bombers long a's reef runners yoeyoes yoezuriessomethin like that. This is how im fishing these lurers downriggers 50 back 5ft off bottom yoyoes long a's bommers reefrunners steel line 300to350 back or 5colors &2oz weight plus 40ft of line . spoons renoskies, harnesses dipsies setting3 130 -150 setting1.5 85-100back I don't want to sound cocky but we have been catching a lot of fish just takes a little longer than last year or the year before. You have to be patient trust your eletronic's you know when your marking walleye if you have fished the lake 4 a couple of years. The next thing that's crucial is speed 1.5 -2 mph at the lure I had times last week sog was 3.1-3.3 to maintain proper speed at lure if your going to fast all you catch is white bass to slow sheeps I believe speed and temp at the lure has made a big difference in my catch this 60fow the temp is 74 on the bottom and that where im catching walleye. ive been fishing out of n.east but have been west of Erie the screen has been the same marking fish 40-50down but not catching them the fish im catching are coming of the bottom and that's the way its been everywhere ive fished the last 3 weeks . goes against everything I know im not fishing above my marks im fishing below them. Well I hope this helps a couple of you guys struggling any questions im more than happy to share info Good luck KEEP THEM TANGLE FREE