Quote Originally Posted by zipper View Post
Thank you so much roy. I am planning on pulling reef runner 800 and I have smith wick top 20s.i am always using dipsy and harness and inline boards with inline wieght but really want to pull cranks.
You can't run deep divers behind dipsies...the lure would be pulling the back of the dipsy down and therefore not allow it to dive correctly.

My experience pulling Reefrunner 800's, using snap weights, you get about 4' of extra depth per ounce of weight. So, as an example, if you let out 50', snap on 3oz wt, let out another 150', you should be down about 40' (28' for RR + 12' for the wt)

I have run as much as 4oz with the Reefrunners, and still pulled them behind the Offshore boards. The boards will be standing up at a steep angle, and be trailing farther behind the boat than normal. I also have added extra weight in the bottom of my boards to help them track better. I think I added about 2 or 3 oz of pencil lead into the channel and then put silicone caulk to hold it in permanently.
Hope this helps you some.

Good luck man !!