Two of us went west of the peninsula point on Tuesday. Just north of the Nets. We had a few marks and picked up two in 55fow. Trolled out to 70 fow and caught one. No walleye marks. A lot of marks all over the screen, but at twenty to thirty feet down. Thought they might be steelhead but I really believe they were junk. We went back to 55fow and caught eight more. No throwbacks. We had to fish from 7am to 2pm in blistering fly infested heat. Only one sheephead and two silver bass. Seven walleye 27 to 30 inch. One 24inch, one 22 inch, and one 18 inch. Caught 4 on eight colors of leadcore. Caught 6 on Dipseys 120 @ 3 setting and 90 @ 11/2 setting (average). Caught all on antifreeze or pink double willows. Hope this helps guys. It has not been an easy year for walleye so far.