A search of the title topic did not find the answer to my question. This spring I purchased a new to me but used outfit which is powered by a 2005 Mercury 90 HP. It did not come with a owners manual. When I sea trialed the boat, the gas tank had about a 1/4 tank of a 38 gallon tank. When I questioned if this motor was winterized, the salesman claimed that it was. I did not believe his claim because I was always under the belief that a gas tank was to be filled and a stabilization agent added to prevent gumming in the motor and water condensation in the tank. When I question this again, the salesman claim was that this is the "new" way to winterize due to the enthanol in gas.

While I did not notice it at purchase, I discovered that there was no disconnect for the fuel hose - there was direct line from tank to motor. So now I'm thinking that I have to install some sort of disconnect to drain the fuel out of the carbs when I put the boat into storage. Finally I was able to stop at a Mercury Dealer and explained the fuel line situation and asked if they had some sort of fuel filter with a shut off valve to accomplish my intent when winterization - to run the fuel out of the carbs. The Dealer told me that this was not necessary with the newer motors.

Is this true? Thanks in advance for your replies and answers.