Sounds like a little stir crazy out there as I watch this thread...!
I myself dont post alot of pics nor take them. I dont even advertise online, word of mouth and referrals are the best!!! I usually send the customers off to do their thing as I like to clean my boat for the next outing....Usually the customers take care of their pics as they wish or we will if they ask. I take them on fishing trips not photo, some times heck/ lots of times not full coolers -BUT I have heard, DAMN thats the biggest fish ive seen or caught! (on quite a few trips) An for reports...everyone has there special spots, most the time a pack of boats, time of year and water temps can lead you in the right general areas to get rolling...and most reports on are legit I believe. After a couple years of floating around you can tell whos boats are whos, and If i hear POW!!! more time im gonna sew erics and djs lips
Only got 6 eyes today, north of cans, .8-1.2 with sledge hammers on bow, pulling heated 40 tt & frozen meat on half and warm wiggly 800rr's, colors ice cold panties, burr blue ice, and purple fingers worked well - joking / false report so dont try it!

55 days to go or so...- hopefully this post keeps going so I have something to amuse me for next couple weeks