Thanks for enlightening us all. I fished with in a Big Brothers Big Sisters outing out of Shrocks Marina a week ago Sunday. The capatains were handing out "one armed crapie spreaders" with a hook on the bottom swivel stating they thought the bite could be felt easier. I asked them if this was a skipper 9 rig because I had heard of them, but ddn't know what they looked like. They hadn't heard of them.

Since then, I have been testing normal crappie rigs vs. my usual green spreader on two poles side by side at the same time. I agree the bite is easier to feel and the fish don't seem to have a preference. I think the "skipper 9" rig with the shorter lead off the main line will give an even better feel than the crappie rig which will help kids and beginners get more fish. I am mkaing some tonight before my tribe arrives for the Labor day weekend.

Thanks again.

The Drifter