Bolles Harbor or Sterling State Park??? Bolles Harbor or Sterling State Park??? Bolles Harbor or Sterling State Park??? Bolles Harbor or Sterling State Park???
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  1. #1
    GotMach Guest

    Default Bolles Harbor or Sterling State Park???

    I have a couple friends from Detroit that want to Walleye fish this weekend....which area is better for Walleye right now Bolles Harbor or Sterling?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
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    Default Bolles vs. Brest...

    Thursday did well at Bolles Harbor and when picking up cleaned fish today (Friday), they said where still hitting. Did not have to get out far just to the end of the cans and take a right and where drifting toward dump. Where a good amount of boats in the area, can't miss 'em.

    I had limit in couple hours on green and white inline weighted harnesses (like Erie Dearies) 5/8 oz. with a gold blade. Slowed down when the lake calmed down and we lost drift speed resulting in sheephead bite heating up. We then went to hit the bass at warm water bay.

    We were told Brest Bay/Sterling area was slowing to check with the guys at Matthew's or one of the bait shops around Sterling for greater detail.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    GotMach Guest


    Saturday night I went to Bolles Harbor and didn't see many boats comming back in with fish so I didn't even launch the boat and drove up to Sterling State Park. Got up to Sterling and saw some people cleaning fish, but they said they were way out to get them. One guy said he was trolling all day in the bay and got his limit. I launched anyways and went all over searching for fish in 19FOW out to 24FOW and could not find crap. We got 1 eye in about 3 hours. I tried out in front of Fermy. I tried right off of stoney point. I tried out deeper past stoney point. I 2-3 miles south of stoney point. I tried in closer in 19FOW and still didn't mark very good numbers of fish at all. Needless to say I decided to cancle my trip with my friends on Monday....the lack of fish and the wind made me decided it was not a good idea.

    Oh by the way I went out Sunday Morning near West Sister and got 10 with the wife and kid....we lost 5.....The fish seem scattered out near West Sister...but at least I am catching them there.....just using too much gas.

  4. #4
    Manxfishing Guest


    Fished Brest Bay on Monday
    Ran out in front of the bay (about a mile or 2) 23-24 FOW
    About the same spot were the 200 boats were on Sat.
    Everybody else was in close in front of the point
    Started to troll south with the wind
    Picked up my 5 on one pass, I did catch a nice 8 pounder at 29" and the rest
    were 21-22"
    On the water at 9 and off by 10

    On Sat I did stuggle to take 4 with a friend
    Nothing in the pack
    Picked them up close in front of Stoney Point

    Both days I was trolling Reef Runners
    And on both days I marked more fish out farther
    Last edited by Manxfishing; 05-27-2008 at 05:10 AM.

  5. #5
    cantgetenough Guest

    Default Sterling st park

    I have fished here for over 30 years and have launched everywhere. In General Sterling is better. It's in the middle of the lake and one can go north or south from there. Bolles is to the south and if the fishing is better to the north, it can be a hike. The lake Erie Metro park launch is good also. Fish just south of the banana dike if you launch there. There is a utility shack there on the south side of the dike. Fish in front of it! This launch is to the North though and if the fishing is better to the south, it can also be a hike. Best bet is Sterling - it's in the middle. Everything is close. That's unless you have good info that they're in a particular place on a certain day. Then launch close to that spot. All of the launches have channels - stay in them! You will bust a prop at all three if you're not careful. There is also a launch at swan creek, another up the raisin river and there used to be one at Pt Mouille but that's too shallow for almost all boats. These launches aren't the best and I wouldn't consider them. I learned the hard way stick with Sterling! Another great site:
    Last edited by cantgetenough; 05-27-2008 at 10:03 PM.

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