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Thread: The looong stretch is here
01-02-2025, 12:06 PM #1
The looong stretch is here
Now that the holidays are over, here we are into the long boring stretch waiting for spring fishing to begin. Booooring time for me and others, so what do you all do to get thru this time of year ?
01-02-2025, 04:01 PM #2
Re: The looong stretch is here
I keep watching the wave forcast every day hoping for some winter trolling.
01-04-2025, 05:50 PM #3
Re: The looong stretch is here
My wife makes me do projects around the house that got put off all fishing season😆 I hear ya though. Cabin fevers kicking in badly
01-05-2025, 06:51 AM #4
Re: The looong stretch is here
This is the best time to check fishing equipment thoroughly and do any repairs. Remove any frayed line and restring as necessary. If you tie your own harnesses, check every one for nicked line and dull hooks and retie if necessary. If you don’t tie your own, now is a great time to learn how. YouTube is a great source of information. Netcraft has a store just off 475 at the Dussel exit that has a great selection of lure making materials along with much more. Good luck
01-05-2025, 01:14 PM #5
Re: The looong stretch is here
Yep, already done most if that....thus the reason for boredom.....been to Net craft many times, also have a Fin Fur Feather close by as well as a Bass Pro, my shoe smokes are getting thin already from the trips to those places !!
2012 Seaswirl ALASKAN 2601 26' |...
2012 Seaswirl ALASKAN 2601 26 ft