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10-26-2024, 03:49 AM #1
Fishing with Sherman and Nancy...10/25/2024
Nancy had bought this trip for her husband Sherman, for his birthday present. He is a follower on, and uses my info to help them when hey travel up from the Cincinnati area, to fish Lake Erie.
I had internet problems in the morning, so I didn't get to watch the news, to see what the weather was supposed to be. Last I had heard, was that we were not supposed to get any rain. So, I had left the house, to go gas up the Vexus and the truck, and grab ice, before picking them up at the Holiday Inn Express, on the other side of town. I was sitting in the parking lot of the hotel, at 6:45, when I thought I would check the app RadarScope, to see if there was any rain coming for the morning. And, to my surprise, there was a big band of heavy rain headed right for us, and showing lightning in it.
I texted Nancy to let her know that I was there, but would be headed home to put the boat back under the carport, until it passed. Lighting was a no-go. It was moving fast, so I didn't think it would delay us for too long. I was right...I was back at their hotel a little over an hour later, and we were driving to Huron in a light rain. (So much for my clean boat!)
We launched, and were headed out the river at 8:45...and the rain turned into just a drizzle. The wind forecast was calling for 10-20 out of the SSE, so the plan was to stay closer to shore, and work the area around "The Castle" and "Cranberry Creek".
We started in 28' of water with dipsies set on the zero setting at 30 and 40 back, and the three setting at 55 and 60 back.
The Off Shore boards were pulling Bill Lewis PWC Lites on the starboard side with 2oz snap weights at 50/50 and 50/24 back. On the port side we ran two Bandits at 100 and 65 back.
As we moved out to deeper water, when the wind diminished a bit, the settings on the dipsies were run a little deeper.
The dipsies with spoons caught most of the fish, as only three fish came on the crank baits. Two fish came on the black/gold Ripplin Red Fin on the zero setting dipsies at 54 back, but the orange Yeck spoon caught the majority of our fish.
We didn't catch any big fish, but the fish we did catch were nice eaters, and would make for some great fish fries. We managed their two limits and two of my fish, before we had to head in.
Talking with friends out there that were fishing, too, said it was a slow bite for them, too, but Sherman and Nancy said they enjoyed the trip, even though it was a little slow, and that makes me happy.
I changed my Monday trip to Sunday, because Sunday is going to be a nice day, wind-wise, and should be waves that will be 1' or less. Monday is going to be 1-3s. My crew is older, and I thought it would be better to go on the nicer day. Luckily, they can switch days. So, fingers crossed, that the forecast holds.
Stay tuned....
Capt JulsCaptain Julia "Juls" Davis
[email protected]
Specializing in 1-3 person walleye and perch charters
10-27-2024, 11:32 AM #2
Re: Fishing with Sherman and Nancy...10/25/2024
I have read many of Sherman's posts at this site and at Ohio Game and Fish.I think he uses a different diver than dipsies.Think they are called Lite bite divers.They supposedly release even on small fish.
10-28-2024, 09:49 AM #3
Re: Fishing with Sherman and Nancy...10/25/2024
I tried the Lite Bite Slide divers years ago and haven't regretted it at all. I run 3 on each side and I can set the lite bite tension as light as it will go so it releases on just about every hit. Even the small white perch and larger yellow perch will trip them most of the time. and another great feature is the tension for the rod can be set a little tight in rough water to prevent a lot of false releases. but with the lure tension set loose, the divers still trip on most hits.
i don't use the slide part of the diver but use a 7' seaguar premier fluro leader with an =0= ring tied on and the leader laced through the back of the divers.
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