We stayed near L can from sun up to sun down, about 12 hours. 60 boats were there in the morning but it dropped off to only a handful in the evening as the whitecaps picked up.
Mostly drifting and jigging in 22 fow. Seemed pretty muddy to me. Green and orange hair jigs landed us a few eyes there, and a lot of sheep.
We went a little north to get slightly clearer water and tried brighter colors. Picked up a few there.
In the evening, we went shallower and muddier (about 13 fow). Purple worked there for a few more.
Ended the day trolling one pass in 13 fow. Caught a nice one with a pickle bandit at 65.
Total of 10 walleye, 7 sheepshead, 3 white perch and 2 yellow perch.