Detroit River Detroit River Detroit River Detroit River
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Thread: Detroit River

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
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    Default Detroit River

    Has anyone ventured out on the Detroit River lately? I'm curious what the water temp is? Or if there is a website to get that information. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
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  3. #3
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    Jun 2023
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    Default Re: Detroit River

    Thank you sir for the Link! My buddy and I are getting the Walleye itch, we live in Indiana. We did quite well on the River and Erie last spring and on the River this past November. He asked about the water temp. I just want to catch "A Hoffa", which should be out in that 30 to 40' of water ... at least thats what im trying to sell him on. I would have swore I JIGGED up with him a few times last year but they turned out to be snags! Lol

    I'm a 5 year "lurker", 1st time poster. And humble enough to thank all of you for the posts I've read. I learned a lot. Especially the "100 Ft. Back, unassisted", etc. And the helpful charts to get the lures to where the marks are when we trolled on Erie.

    Take care all!

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