9/16 fish report 9/16 fish report 9/16 fish report 9/16 fish report
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  1. #11
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    Default Re: 9/16 fish report

    Hey Billy, Thanks for the posts. We need people to post how they do fishing and what they used to catch them.Alot of people don't post on where they fish or post a general area. I understand that a particular area can get overrun with boat traffic and shut down the bite. But if you want to post where you fished, we all would appreciate it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    north coast ohio
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    Default Re: 9/16 fish report

    Billy Boy, Thank you for your post and clarification. Even though its not imperative that I know where you were fishing, since you mentioned an area I hadn't heard of, I had to ask. I thought you were speaking of the shoal between middle bass and Rattlesnake. Now I know.

    Keep posting here and you will find many others who appreciate the stories of your day. That area is a long trip for me, but I try to use similar techniques as I hear others post, and find similar areas with success. To me, that is a good part of the enjoyment.

    Tight lines,


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