it is not the law that you have to tow. but i have never refused to do it. i've been towed a couple of times. one time my oil line came loose that went to my remote oil filter and lost my oil. we were about 3 or 4 miles out of geneva harbor. we fixed the leak but needed oil. we raised the distress flag and watched as boat after boat turned there backs to us and kept going. we called my youngest son back at the campground and catch a ride and get us some oil then go to the launch and get somebody to bring us oil. he did what i asked but he asked 15 guys to drop off the oil before he got someone to drop it off. a man and his wife were going fishing and brought the oil. then they hung around until we were up and running. i was appalled at all the boats that drove by our distress flag. we could have had a real emergency. and i was shocked my son was turned down 14 times just to drop off some oil. they would pass right by us going out to the fishing grounds.