Launch Spot for Portable Boat Toledo Launch Spot for Portable Boat Toledo Launch Spot for Portable Boat Toledo Launch Spot for Portable Boat Toledo
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  1. #1
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    LaPorte, Indiana
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    Default Launch Spot for Portable Boat Toledo

    Hi, I just got taxed out of Illinois by Madigan. Boat trailer tax increased 555% nice huh? Moved East to LaPorte, IN which is just a 3 hour drive to Toledo. So In hopes of taking advantage of area fishing, bought a small Porta-Bote with 6 hp motor to hit some area waters. I plan to fish the Maumee River late March. But in April would like to hit the Maumee Bay jig bite close to shore. I have no idea where to launch. I don’t really need a ramp. Just a place close to shore where I could assemble and put in. But a public or private launch would be OK too, if it’s not crowded. Any one have any suggestions? Thanks.
    Last edited by Zim; 01-25-2020 at 04:01 AM. Reason: Add stuff

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zim View Post
    Hi, I just got taxed out of Illinois by Madigan. Boat trailer tax increased 555% nice huh? Moved East to LaPorte, IN which is just a 3 hour drive to Toledo. So In hopes of taking advantage of area fishing, bought a small Porta-Bote with 6 hp motor to hit some area waters. I plan to fish the Maumee River late March. But in April would like to hit the Maumee Bay jig bite close to shore. I have no idea where to launch. I don’t really need a ramp. Just a place close to shore where I could assemble and put in. But a public or private launch would be OK too, if it’s not crowded. Any one have any suggestions? Thanks.
    For Maumee River

    Perrysburg - Maumee Bridge over the river there is a small ramp there many use in spring

    For Maumee Bay

    Collins Park - closest spot to Bay - also end of Wynn Road in Oregon , Ohio where it dead ends into Lake - Maumee Bay . Both free Ramps.
    You should be able to Google Map both locations.

    Use caution, your boat pretty small for fishing this area ,the lake conditions can change in minutes, many get into trouble each year

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain tacky View Post
    For Maumee River

    Perrysburg - Maumee Bridge over the river there is a small ramp there many use in spring

    For Maumee Bay

    Collins Park - closest spot to Bay - also end of Wynn Road in Oregon , Ohio where it dead ends into Lake - Maumee Bay . Both free Ramps.
    You should be able to Google Map both locations.

    Use caution, your boat pretty small for fishing this area ,the lake conditions can change in minutes, many get into trouble each year
    Thanks, I have been on the lake many times since 1970s on charters, head boats, rentals etc. and I would only go under primo stable conditions with this boat for sure, and only close to shore.

    Primary purpose for the boat is deer hunting land locked public river systems in IL & IA. Crossguns destroying our public with gun hunters flooding the early season. So I dont plan to take it on Erie much at all. Maybe just a day or two in the bay during April jig bite.
    Last edited by Zim; 01-25-2020 at 04:09 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Reside in Columbus, OH. Have place in Perrysburg, OH.
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    Never heard of a "Porta-Bote." Looked it up. Interesting concept. I don't know anything about these boats, but from what I saw on their website, I'd think twice about taking such a craft out on the Maumee River for the Walleye run (March / April) or anywhere on Maumee Bay or Lake Erie. The boat appears to be designed for calmer small lakes and ponds, smaller rivers. I would think any bigger water unless it's a perfect day (i.e. warm water no waves or boat traffic) and you stay real close to shore wouldn't be advised.

    There are two main walleye run boat access points for the Maumee River, both in Perrysburg. The first and best for boats especially larger ones is the Maple Street access, about 4-5 blocks north of Main Street on River Road. Not much of a sign. Big wide parking area and concrete dock head, two ramps. The other is the Orleans Park launch just north of the Maumee/Perrysburg bridge, access road on north side about a quarter mile south of the bridge. You could also launch from the parking lot below Fort Megis (right next to the bridge, west side access 50 feet from south side of bridge) and Schradiers's (spelled wrong I'm sure) campground which is just west of Fort Megis. Also launch on the Maumee side of the river at various places at Side Cut Metro Park and just upriver, just west of Maumee, but that area is higher current.

    Be very careful. The water is often high and always cold during the run. I'd avoid the high water periods and probably also the higher current areas west of the bridge.
    Last edited by West Basin; 01-27-2020 at 08:59 AM. Reason: additions

  5. #5
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    Thanks much lots of options there. Ya I did not get this boat for the big lakes, nor will I use it unless conditions perfect. But it will be good on the tributaries in my area like the St. Joe & Trail Creek. Also have a couple small lakes in my town it will be fine on. There aren’t any head boats out of Toledo are there? If there’s any wind I may try the Port Clinton ones. I really had a blast my last jig bite out there. If I get a few friends will do a charter but for now just my wife. Would like to do again now that we moved closer to the area.
    Last edited by Zim; 01-29-2020 at 05:41 AM. Reason: Add

  6. #6
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    There is good pike and bass inside Metzgers Marsh. Also great pike, and crappie on the Maumee in the Spring.

    As long as you stay close to shore with a South wind you could troll and jig up some walleye. The better walleye areas are those that are windswept though. Little Cedar Point would be a good choice for walleye in the Spring. There is a kayak access near there too. Always wear a life vest!

  7. #7
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    Yes, Very good points West Basin. Having fished the Maumee for many years out of Perrysburg prior to my move to the lake, I learned to respect that waterway, a few (white knuckle moments). The current is very strong, I fished with a 14 ft. deep V and 15 hp. There were times you wondered if it was enough. The wind runs down that river like a funnel from the West. Lots of stuff that likes to chew on the lower unit and force down the anchor rope too. Best be very careful.

    Ranger Cherokee 237 18ft.
    115 HP. Johnson SPL
    15 HP Merc. Kicker
    Xi5 Motorguide Auto Anchor/GPS
    FL-20 Vexilar
    898 HD DI SI Humminbird GPS
    Navonics Premium

  8. #8
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    The Maumee river use would be restricted just to taxi some friends of mine to an island to fish from shore. In one specific spot they are familiar with, during the March run. Apparently the competition is lighter there. Ya I’ve been on the Detroit River for a wild ride when wind was straight up the channel. A little scary. Would never try that in this boat.

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