Can you troll harnesses behind dipseys? How about Bandits?

Quote Originally Posted by freddie View Post
Dipseys work great because if you want to troll spoons out away from the boat, you can do that with a dipsey, instead of a tru-trip/jet behind an inline planer board.

Dipsey leads are usually shorter. They are faster to set, faster to check, etc. You can run them as deep as you want, and even pull small billed crank baits behind them but still get them down to 40'. Etc

They are not the be all end all, but just another great tool in the tackle box.

Thanks for the update. I need to buy some dipsys and I'm wondering about spending the extra few bucks for these - based on your referral. I have a hard time picturing the setup you've explained, but might have you send me a picture sometime.