i understand you wanting to save money. but you can save to much and really be disappointed with your trolling experience. i started with cheap okuma's and they did work but as soon as i could i upgraded to Daiwa accudepth plus adp17lc and sealine sg17lca reels. i was very happy with the upgrade. im still using the sealine's but upgraded the accudepth because i got a super deal on sealine sg17lc3b reels. but the accudepths served me very well for several yrs and was still working like new when i sold them. i also have some Okuma convector 20 reels that seem to be great reels but i haven't used them enough to know how well there going to stand up.

i recommend you invest in accudepth reels if you have the money at all. or the convector reels for a little more money. then if your budget will allow the Daiwa sealine is around 100.00 on ebay. you can find the accudepth plus adp17lcb for around 65.00 to 70.00 on ebay but do an online search before you buy. if none of these are within reach look at the Okuma magda pro. you can get a set of 4 of the 20dx for around 45.00 each. these aren't Daiwa but they'll work for what you want. then you can start updating if you choose 1 reel at a time. but try to use all the same brand and size reels. if not you wont be able to repeat on a different reel whats catching fish on a different size/brand reel.