Friday AM. Tried to fish Scotts Point, couldn't handle the water with in line boards so tucked by Perry's, with the wind for an hour, no marks, no fish. Went to north bay at Kelly's trolled for a mile, no good. Around the corner to east side, started by the green can and went back and forth a crossed the contour lines that are close to shore down past the airport to sunrise point, decided to call it quits. Pulled lines and in comes a 20-22" eye. could not get him in the hoop as I caught the hooks in the front of the net tried to lift him in the boat and snap, Crap! We decided since we couldn't figure which part of that 4 or 5 mile troll we picked him up to just go on home. He came on a wonder bread spoon 25 back on TT. Had bandits on the other side. Got back went to Bassets Got some thick cut top sirloins red pepper, aspagrus (sp) baked sweet potatoes and a bottle of red wine. We didn't miss that one fish TOO much. Always next weekend!