Question to the Captains about trolling courtesy & protocol in a pack Question to the Captains about trolling courtesy & protocol in a pack Question to the Captains about trolling courtesy & protocol in a pack Question to the Captains about trolling courtesy & protocol in a pack
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  1. #11
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    I've found that to many boaters don't know the boat on your right has the right of way and the boat on your left should give way and give you the right of way. and then you've got the 10% of boaters that just don't care who has the right of way. they'll stay there course until your forced to make sharp turns and sometimes have to cross to close to other boats to be comfortable. even if I have the right of way and see I'm going to get to close to the other boat i'll start adjusting my course and speed to clear there boat.

    I personally think every boater should have to take a boaters course to at least learn who has the right of way. but theres just nothing you can do about the 10% that just don't care.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sherman51 View Post
    I've found that to many boaters don't know the boat on your right has the right of way and the boat on your left should give way and give you the right of way. and then you've got the 10% of boaters that just don't care who has the right of way. they'll stay there course until your forced to make sharp turns and sometimes have to cross to close to other boats to be comfortable. even if I have the right of way and see I'm going to get to close to the other boat i'll start adjusting my course and speed to clear there boat.

    I personally think every boater should have to take a boaters course to at least learn who has the right of way. but theres just nothing you can do about the 10% that just don't care.
    Beyond the standard required safety equipment every boater should have to demonstrate knowledge of the "Nautical Rules of The Road". I think it should be required to purchase your registration decal and should be a federal law for everyone's safety on the water everywhere in the country. Last year there was a discussion about right of way and the "Nautical Rules of the Road" on this forum. One person in particular felt that under no circumstances should the "Nautical Rules of the Road" apply to him if he was trolling. The discussion after becoming heated finally ended when he took his keyboard/ball and went home/left from the forums. He was a perfect example of the 10% you are referring to!
    Last edited by wakina; 04-20-2016 at 07:22 AM.
    23 foot Pro Line
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  3. #13
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    Default drifting, under power

    Quote Originally Posted by sherman51 View Post
    I've found that to many boaters don't know the boat on your right has the right of way and the boat on your left should give way and give you the right of way. and then you've got the 10% of boaters that just don't care who has the right of way. they'll stay there course until your forced to make sharp turns and sometimes have to cross to close to other boats to be comfortable. even if I have the right of way and see I'm going to get to close to the other boat i'll start adjusting my course and speed to clear there boat.

    I personally think every boater should have to take a boaters course to at least learn who has the right of way. but theres just nothing you can do about the 10% that just don't care.
    My son and I had been drifting for close to a mile, I noticed a bigger boat trolling coming from our right, he was under power so I figured he would adjust, he did not. He kept coming so finally we reeled quickly, started our boat and moved out of his way. So my question is even though he was coming from the right under those circumstances does the boat to the right still have the right of way. I did not think the rules read that way.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by D.D.E. View Post
    My son and I had been drifting for close to a mile, I noticed a bigger boat trolling coming from our right, he was under power so I figured he would adjust, he did not. He kept coming so finally we reeled quickly, started our boat and moved out of his way. So my question is even though he was coming from the right under those circumstances does the boat to the right still have the right of way. I did not think the rules read that way.
    You are correct in your thoughts! But the catch 22 is that if at all possible every boat that is capable must take evasive action to avoid a collision. So you made the correct decision as far as the law is concerned.
    23 foot Pro Line
    HDS 5X Sonar
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    Platinum Plus Lake Erie and Lake St Clair Marine.
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  5. #15
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    My time is money also, so just because you charter for a living and pull a 100ft wide path, it doesn't mean you own the lake! I got cursed out by a "captain" I use that term loosely because I didn't move out of his way quick enough. I have video of the altercation and will be turning it in to the authorities. The next time this happens, I will chop up your lines so bad you'll be retying for hours. See if your customers like that cluster, and you'll be the one to blame. I hope your reading this, you know who you are.
    Last edited by Divers Down; 04-20-2016 at 07:41 AM.

  6. #16
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    Default catch 22

    [QUOTE=wakina;53340]You are correct in your thoughts! But the catch 22 is that if at all possible every boat that is capable must take evasive action to avoid a collision. So you made the correct decision as far as the law is concerned.[/QUO

    The biggest boat wins, and he exposes his pride I guess. That is the world we live in I guess.
    Thanks for replying.
    P.S. That was my first trip on the water, with my first boat, and my first trip with my son fishing.
    Last edited by D.D.E.; 04-20-2016 at 07:59 AM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by D.D.E. View Post
    My son and I had been drifting for close to a mile, I noticed a bigger boat trolling coming from our right, he was under power so I figured he would adjust, he did not. He kept coming so finally we reeled quickly, started our boat and moved out of his way. So my question is even though he was coming from the right under those circumstances does the boat to the right still have the right of way. I did not think the rules read that way.
    you totally did the right thing. but you are right in your thinking. the boat under power should have gave way to a drifting boat and steered around you. that's why in most cases a sail boat has the right of way over a boat under power. that guy was part of the 10% that just don't care. you cant fix stupid.

  8. #18
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    My grandfather used to always say, "Pedestrians have the right of way. That doesn't mean that you just step out in a crosswalk in NY City without looking and using common sense... You'll be "Dead Right!"

    There are rules, and it would be nice if everyone used them. I was in that area North of Niagra and stayed out of that pack. The radio was full of comical and frustrating interactions.

    I had a Crestline coming up on my port side. I was trolling about 100' wide, with another boat 25 yards off my Starboard (our boards almost touching) and couldn't turn Right, and another boat trailing off my rear port so I simply could not give way. I had the right of way, but long before anything happened I started saying, "Where is this guy gonna go? His only choice was to turn 90 degrees port and get in line with us because he simply couldn't make it across all three of us, and he couldn't turn between us.

    I knew once he kept coming that someone was going to be in trouble. He was by himself, trolling offshores. By the time he realized what was going on, it was too late. I did say something to him on the radio (nicely)... but he maneuvered and ultimately wrapped his off-shore around my port side planer board.

    He immediately got on the radio and apologized. Other boats were yelling at him because they saw it happen...

    I originally told him what marina he could pick up his gear at later that day. He said that he really wanted to get it off my board because he had an expensive lure.

    Because he was alone (i've been there) and he was sincere in his apology, I tried to keep tight lines and go in and out of gear while he came up along my board, got his off-shore un-clipped, then got his line and lure. It all took about 7-8 min.

    No harm, no foul.

    Had he cussed at me or flipped me off, my boards would have been in and I would have owned about a $40 setup that I would never use. He handled it well and we both went on our way.

    This was during all that radio chatter and guys threatening each other. One boater even said something about someone being "Sponsored by Kleenex." Tempers were pretty hot that day... Boats going whatever direction they want... Guys coming into a pack of 150-200 trolling boats and setting down to drift...

    I drift too! But because I have a larger boat and troll, I also know that it takes almost 1/4 mile to turn a 30' inboard 300' wide with 16 parallel lines in the water (unless you are Skipper9 and then you can spin it on a dime). I also know as a troller that I have a difficult time telling if someone is drifting or under power until it is too close to do much about it. If you are drifting in a pack of 100+ trolling boats you have every right to be there. You have the right of way (for the most part). But don't hesitate to get on the radio and tell a large boat coming toward you that you are not under power, and drifting. Most of us will greatly appreciate that courtesy. Those who give you a hard time for drifting... well.. they are going to be upset no matter what.

    Keep in mind too that when someone that trolls says, "A drifter came and set down RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" that is a legitimate gripe if a boat stops within a half mile or so directly on your line. It is kinda like a motorcycle whipping in front of a semi tractor-trailer "because he fits" and slamming on his brakes...

    I would personally love it if boats that are in a huge pack of 80-90% trolling boats would talk on the radio and let people know that they are drifting. I promise, people may get upset, but it won't take long and everyone trolling will know which boat is drifting. On calm days it's easy... It's the one with the guy standing on the bow casting! lol

    Other times... it can be tough, but if we know you are there we will accommodate. Every trolling captain started off drifting. Some of those captains tend to forget that, not every drifter has knowledge and experience of a 34' Cat trolling 16 lines.

    -Matt Gaiser

    PS - I am not a captain, just an amateur.
    Last edited by Madd Matt; 04-22-2016 at 09:19 AM.

  9. #19
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    One quick comment: many of the larger boats (especially charters) are using auto-pilot. They may or may not be watching what's in front of them all the time. Since I'm in a smaller boat and always have someone driving, it is easier for me to stay out of their way rather than expect them to make an adjustment. Just common sense. Makes for a better day for everyone. Share the road. Enjoy the lake. It's supposed to be fun.

    Great pics from Dave! I am looking forward to getting on the Lake soon.

  10. #20
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    I was making a north troll around the niagra area sunday heading to c can and had a boat off my port and starboard quarter so I had no room to maneuver when off in the distance to my port side hear comes a blue and white thompson pulling big boards 200' out each side trolling east with plenty of room off his port side to give way but instead just kept comming straight for me. Had to finally put kicker in reverse and make a 90 degree left turn with trolling motor while pulling all my lines to keep from having a collision with his board, missed by less than 10 feet all the while getting f-bombed and mother f*** by this guy for not knowing the right of way on the water. Correct me if I am wrong coming head on port to port is the proper procedure unless other circumstances prevail and when coming at each other at a 90 degree angle starboard side boat has the right of way which I was and could not maneuver but he had plenty of room to maneuver did not need him to make a sharp turn just give way a I right or wrong? Forgot to mention that most of the boats in the area were trolling north and south but this guy was cutting a path 400' wide east and west

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