
Type: Posts; User: Dale R. Callihan

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  1. John, Maybe we should fill them with ice and put...

    Maybe we should fill them with ice and put are fish in there at least it would keep it cleaner with using them, but then people would have to move around so I could open the box.

    What I did...
  2. what a pain, all the water goes in the fish boxes...

    what a pain, all the water goes in the fish boxes then when it over flows it goes out the skuppers, the boxes are always dirty and wet, plus I M constantly cleaning the filter screens. I just live...
  3. If I have a load I put the trims all the way down...

    If I have a load I put the trims all the way down and the drive down and it will come out pretty quick, but after talking to my buddy and reading the last post maybe a 4 blade prop would be worth it....
  4. I have a Seamaster 2388 with 5.0 220hp takes a...

    I have a Seamaster 2388 with 5.0 220hp takes a little to get going with 5 adults, I use it for chartering it does well, had it since 2001.
    Friend of mind has same boat V6 190hp with hard top it runs...
  5. Replies

    Yes, I'm concern but alot of what we are seeing...

    Yes, I'm concern but alot of what we are seeing is the results of doing nothing in the past few years. The drifters were getting worried before the 2003 hatch, but that big hatch saved the day for...
Results 1 to 5 of 5