Is there a gauge you can buy to show you how many miles you have traveled ?
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Is there a gauge you can buy to show you how many miles you have traveled ?
I would have to double check but I believe the Navonics program shows the distances you have traveled on the courses you have traveled. I used to keep track of my miles is how I know... I haven't use this feature for so long I cannot remember for sure where it is that I see it. I have the Premium program on my 898 Humminbird. I have it on my phone too for ice fishing.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for.
I saw a mileage tracker on my lowrance 5 this weekend I didn't know existed. Damn if I know how to use it.
I think all gps's have that feature...just have to find it in the menu
Black Pearl --- If that is the unit you have and if you can set a plot, map a course, determine travel speed etc. You should be able to determine the distance you have covered. You may have to save or clear your data each time out. Lots of youtube videos on using your Humminbird. Those units have a lot of features, heck they all do.. To many sometimes.
Well I was just hoping to look at a guage and see how many miles I went. lol guess I better break out the owners manual now
Hey there,,, You could buy you a bunch of rope, a compass, some wood chips and tie knots in it like Captain Cook used.. lol "Knot" sure how that worked for sure. :)