Driving Recommendations From The Gurus
, 10-30-2022 at 11:16 PM (16368 Views)
Proof of insurance. Check with your local DMV. Some states require this, some states may not. You should have the minimum insurance required for your state, usually liability insurance. Be prepared to present proof of insurance to the DMV clerk.Take driving training course. The teens need to log 50 hours with an experienced driver. But if you can take a formal drivers training course you have a better chance to lower your car insurance premiums. Insurance companies will be more likely to discount your premium on your car insurance, if you can show them that you are very serious about driving on the road and less likely to get into a car accident. Some may offer up to a 10% discount if you take a formal drivers training class licensed in your state. Use the gears intelligently. In town traffic you often have to change gear frequently. On a winding rural road it's the same. But don't just go on auto-pilot. Anticipate the next gear change. Which gear will you use for the next bend? As you slow down, don't just go down a gear, but think which one to use next. If you have extra safety features on your car you are on the good way for saving money on your premium. A car alarm or an immobilizer is a good help to help you save money. If your car record is clean after years of driving on the road, and you have no-claims, your premium will lower its price as many years you have made your record clean. advanced driving lessons and safety lessons in driving also help to lower your premium. If your primary reason to sign up for a defensive driving class is to get a discount on your insurance you may first want to check with your company because some do not offer a discount. Some companies will provide you with a list of a specific defensive driving school or course that they recommend in order to qualify for a discount. The benefit of taking a defensive driving course isn't just lowering your insurance rate; you may learn new skills that will keep you safer on the road. Follow the two-second rule: Considered to be the rule of thumb when driving, the two-second rule requires the driver to stay at least two seconds behind the vehicle in front of them. The aim is to have enough time to hit the brakes if at all a collision is to occur.
Hydroplaning - Aquaplaning occurs where your tyre tread fills with standing water that it cannot get rid of due to the road speed. Generally this occurs at 80kph and above. Keep your tyres at the optimum. Check for Wear 'n' Air before your journey: watch for stretches of standing water and slow down. If you begin to aquaplane ease off the accelerator, keep your steering straight and WAIT for the tyres to regain normal grip. Your brakes and steering don't work when the car is aquaplaning as the car is 'floating' on a film of water. Only when the tyres get rid of the water does grip return.
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