Weekend Perch Bite
, 07-25-2011 at 06:59 PM (6595 Views)
New member and 1st post. but have been reading and enjoy and learning for awhile now. Sat morning went just east on Niagara in 29 fow spreaders with perch colors and hooks with bling, Bite was light, but manage 2 man limit. And back at the dock by 12:30. 13lbs at the cleaners.
Sun was just N. of B-can in 28 fow. Same rigs as Sat. Had 4 on the boat but 2 were newbies my friends daughter and boy friend. Got a 2 man limit there bite was slow and light. But good size to them. Started heading for the dock and figured we would checkout around the intake for a few, pick up 12 there, very slow there. At 1:00 we went in. End up with 72 perch, 16 # at the cleaner. And the kids had fun, that was the main thing. Thought is was cool a 17yr old ask!!! to go fishing with her dad and a old family friend.0 Thanks, 0 Likes