Went out of Dunkirk Sunday morning, still a little bumpy but not too bad. Headed west, started out deeper than I wanted, seemed like everytime I turned to head in there was a boat on the same line. Got a few white bass on harnesses, then hit a double header in 55 ft water. One (6 lb) was on a orange tape with copper hatchet (5 color LC) and the other (9lb) was on a black with some chartruse, orange and white dot harness off the downrigger at 52 ft. Went back through a few more times with no results. Was marking most in 45-60 ft water.

JR, its been slow for me also seems like I get one eye per trip this year. Last year we got 4-5 per trip and would get chased off by thunderstorms. I've been switching things up and trying just about every color and lure I have. Also been changing the depths. Sunday I had 2 DRs 10-20 ft apart in the water column, 4 color, 5 color, and a dipsy that I was all over on the line out. The 2 fish I got were 20 ft apart in the water column but couldn't get any more from that spot.