Conversation Between skipper9 and empty hooks

5 Visitor Messages

  1. could u send me a pic of your perch rig ? so i can try to tie some up for this weekend if the weather works out . thanks
  2. when i go out on the lake im at paradise acres campground. thanks again whats a good time to give you a call.
  3. sorry phone problems, about 500 yards just to the east of the island we took our fish there sunday afternoon. Hey give me a call and we can talk about tackle and how too's. I have a rig that wed use I can mail you so you can duplicate and you will love them.. 614.327.7144. Lets get those hookms catching fish... thks Jim
  4. Hi, Hey I would go east of ballast island.. about 500
  5. need some dad had a boat till i was 20 im 39 now .in the last 19 yrs i have fished on the lake 3 times on a head boat. i got a boat now and plan on going this comming friday for perch . where should i go and what tackle will i need .i post this question 20 people look at it but nothing .thanks for any help u can offer
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5