Conversation Between eriecaster and Domers98

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks so much! I will let you know how we do!

  2. Hello ben, this time of year the walleye move into the reefs in the evening that means they are their in the morning. i always fish the reefs the name of my boat is the reef beater lol. i typically try and position my boat off the reefs and drift over the dropoffs, watch the depth dont drag bottom. One thing i do when im casting weight fowards is throw out make my count to almost bottom pick straight up on my rod and lower it i have caught alot of fish on that second drop.Make sure you fish the swing that is most important. i like to throw weight fowards myself or weapons. i myself like to start at tousssaint reef and work them over untill i get to niagara. I also like to bb around the reefs as well. this usually works for me, keep an eye on the post their is always good info on here good luck let me know how it works out for you. Also mayflys are hatching so they ought to be thick when you get here when this happends i love to throw gold but with that being said its not always the case but a good color to start with. good luck, Randy
  3. Erie,
    Flying up from Florida in 12 days, and tips or advice for a guy that will be launching outta South Bass Island State Park....I love to cast and drift for walleye...obviously fishing patterns can change from now....would love to stay around islands or move over to the reefs near the firing range...Thanks, Ben
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