Conversation Between jiginitis69 and jproffitt10

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Jiginitis: Still shivering with excitement form your well-penned description of your escape from the "reckless" ice rescue incident some few years back. I worked for the News Herald and News Messenger for six years, and was hobbled with corporate news standards. I am now working freelance and working on a new website on fishing, hunting, conservation and Lake Erie stuff. Please give me a call when you can. First fishing article for my new site, which will launch this week, will be about females vs. jacks. I know the answer, which is that female harvest is insignificant this time of year, but would love to talk to you for the piece. Also, I haven't gotten out on the ice much, but would love to fish with you and profile you in a separate piece. I know this: your posts have provided valuable insight for many anglers, including those who come from out of town and are unfamiliar with the lake and its ice. Thanks. James Proffitt 419 573 9467 [email protected]
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